The Leading Southern California Private Utility Locating Company


Any time that a contractor, or even a home owner, needs to dig into the ground, they run the risk of hitting utility pipes and wires. Not only can this be costly if they lines are accidentally cut or damaged, it can also prove to be extremely dangerous. Gas lines can explode, and electrical power lines can cause fires or electrocution. While water may not be as dangerous, a sudden release of water could cause trenches to collapse, trapping workers beneath the surface. A utility locator service visits the site before work begins and locates the exact placement and depth of each type of utility on the property. With this information, workers can safely and confidently go about their business. Companies such as Private Utility Locating Company – Util-Locate provides such a utility locator service, using state of the art technology to provide accurate utility location and depth of utility lines.

Why Use a Utility Locator?

Any time you are preparing to dig, be certain to contact a reliable utility locator. Such services are necessary before doing any kind of digging, regardless of how small the project. Utility lines are not always where they appear to be through line of sight, so using the expertise of a utility locator or underground utility locator is essential. By hiring a professional, not only you will be able to conduct locating underground utilities or locating buried utilities, but also you will be capable to work on locating how deep they are buried. With a company such as Util-Locate, you have 97 percent accuracy for utility lines as deep as 13 feet. This information allows you to proceed with your project with the confidence that you will not interfere with buried utilities.

How Do Utility Locate Technicians Determine the Location of Buried Utilities?

The utility locate technicians use a variety of electromagnetic sensors and GPR that is able to non-invasively penetrate the surface of the earth, up to a depth of 13+ feet. The signals produced by the equipment to locate the pipes and wires, allowing the technicians to create a map or diagram of the location and depth of each utility present. Although rarely needed, the utility locate technician can always return to a work site to verify any questionable findings made as construction progresses. Read more about sewer locator

When Should You Contact Utility Locating Companies?

The best time to contact a utility locating companies that provide utility locator or underground utility locator services is long before you begin to dig or design. Depending on the scope of the project, it is often essential to know exact locations and depths of utility lines during the early planning stages. Knowing this information will allow for proper placement of structures, foundations, post support, trees and other project items. Sometime utilities will need to be relocated. Utility locating companies will help project planners determine where those lines need to be moved to so that they will no longer pose a problem for workers and machine operators.

What Are The Benefits of Utility Locating Services?

By hiring a professional utility locating service, you gain the assurance that you will be provided the most accurate information available without having to disturb existing landscaping. By using state of the art electromagnetic locator and GPR equipment, Util-Locate and other utility locating companies can easily find buried lines, giving exact location and depth. Older technology required technicians to make several exploratory holes in order to determine the depth of the buried lines.

Equipment used by Utility Locator Companies

Unlike simple hand-held detectors, the electromagnetic pipe and cable locator equipment used by professional utility locator companies allows their technicians to adjust to various line and cable conditions, as well as for unexpected soil conditions. It also provides up to 97% accuracy and depth readings up to 13+ feet. Utility locator companies such as Util-Locate are making use of state-of-the-art detection equipment, providing the best utility locating services in the industry today.

Who is the Best Utility Locate Services in California?

If you’re looking for the best utility locate services California has to offer, than look no further than Util-Locate. Our professional utility locate technicians make use of state of the art technology that is the best available in the industry. Be certain to contact us with any of your utility line detection needs!

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