When is the Best Time to Contact a Utility Locating Service?

, When is the Best Time to Contact a Utility Locating Service?

Digging into the ground without verifying the location of utility lines in the area, may damage or cut off electrical, gas, water, communications, or drainage connections. Therefore,  a private utility locating service is of utmost importance in such a scenario

Such a service is essential to prevent service interruptions to the infrastructures they serve and expensive repairs. But when and where should you call for one?

Call Before You Dig

For Public Utility Line Inspection

Calling 811 from any state is a protocol before excavating on any piece of residential or commercial land—regardless of whether it’s a personal property or not.

This will prompt technicians to come to the site and locate public utility lines using electromagnetic equipment.

However, this is only half of the call you need to make.

For Private Utility Line Mapping

Professionals who are experts in spotting private utility lines also need to inspect the area to protect hidden underground lines.

Calling them will also help you determine how deep the utility lines are buried. Util-Locate offers a 97% accuracy rate in locating potholing utilities as deep as 13 feet.

Such capability ensures confidence that the digging project will not interfere with underground lines and will protect you and workers from accidents.

When Should You Call for Utility Locating Services?

Before You Dig

The best time to call a utility locating service is before digging to start a construction project.

As stated before, it is necessary to know the exact locations of utility lines to allow for proper placement of foundations, posts, other building structures, and trees.

When Lines Run Beyond the Serve Meter

Private utility lines can also run beyond the service meter. Take electrical cables, for example, they can go from the meter to a house or private building.

For safety and liability reasons, it is essential to have them accurately marked.

During the Building Planning Period

Utility location services can also be called during the planning period for construction.

During this time, some lines need to be relocated so they don’t cause problems to machines and workers later on.

How Do Private Locator Workers Map Out Underground Lines?

Gone are the days when utility locating companies used utility maps. In modern times, they are considered outdated and have a higher chance of generating inaccurate and incomplete data.

These days, technological tools are used to obtain a thorough assessment of the area. These include:

  • Ground-penetrating radar (GPR)
  • Electromagnetic equipment
  • Electronic or radio frequency (RF) pipe and cable locating tools
  • CCTV-guided mapping tools

Contact Util-Locate Today

Identifying the actual placement and depth of utility lines beneath the ground ensures the safety of workers and prevents service interruption to infrastructures to which the lines are connected. 

Private utility locating companies like Util-Locate combine the expertise of its personnel and state-of-the-art GPR and CCTV-guided inspection to generate accurate data.

We also offer hydro-jetting and concrete surface scanning services. Our projects locations and buildings include universities, schools, military bases, theme parks, correctional facilities, stadiums, shopping centers, hospitals, hotels, telecoms, and water companies.

Schedule an appointment with us to learn more about cost-effective and safe, utility locating and mapping work in Southern California.

Contact us at (866) 638-1075 at Util-Locate today!