Vacuum Excavation VS. Traditional Excavation Techniques

util locate van

If you are planning a home improvement project that involves digging into the ground, you’ll need to start by having all underground utility lines found. Even small projects like adding landscaping oder installing a new mailbox require the use of a potholing company. These companies use a variety of techniques to locate and protect utilities. From …

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Utility Potholing & Vacuum Excavation for Your Underground Work

utility potholing services

The value of precision in any construction project is hard to overstate. If the technology age has taught us anything, it is the value of miniaturization, precise tolerances, and optimizing the process of building a solid foundation for future improvement. The high-tech environment comes with its share of challenges, however. Beneath our feet is a …

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Vacuum Excavation: Achieve Less Surface Damage

Surveying a construction site is not only a necessity; it is an accepted and recommended practice for several reasons. Among the most urgent is the safety of the construction workers, along with the integrity of the structure and works built at the location. Also high on the priority list is keeping the grounds intact and …

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Potholing Utilities for Damage Prevention & Effective Subsurface Investigation

Util Locate at Work

The practical considerations involved in starting or continuing a construction project without first ascertaining what obstacles might be hidden under the ground can be substantial. While there are technologies available to perform searches for utility lines, water or sewer pipes and other underground structures, there exists a quick, accurate and relatively inexpensive method for visually …

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How to Reduce Trenching and Excavation Safety Hazards

Potholin Vacuum Excavation

The work involved in exposing underground utilities can be intricate in nature. There is a lack of vision, due to the infrastructure being underneath the ground, meaning that accurately locating the target piping or cabling is difficult. This problem makes it incredibly important to gather as much intelligence as you can on the area in …

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Expose Underground Utilities with Vacuum Excavation

Util Locate Vacuum Excavation Truck

Underground utilities are particularly susceptible to damage, especially when worked upon in more traditional ways such as manual digging and using a backhoe. Manual Digging is the most labor-intensive method of exposing underground utilities, requiring significant worker numbers to accomplish the job. This kind of work can also take days to complete, requiring both the …

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