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    Are you developing or renovating a building? We specialize in electrical line location and can help you detect underground electrical lines that could potentially interfere with your development plans and result in damage.

    We’re one of Southern California’s most trusted damage prevention companies. As a leading utility locating service provider in La Mesa, we work diligently and effectively to ensure your project is completed on schedule and unaffected by electrical line risks.

    Our La Mesa utility line locating services

    If you’re developing or renovating a site, it’s absolutely essential that you’re aware of the location of underground electrical lines. These lines supply electricity to your property and can be damaged by excavation and construction.

    Severing an underground electrical line can result in significant safety risks for your team, in addition to large costs. If an underground utility line is damaged during excavation, it can take a significant amount of money and time to repair or replace the line.

    We specialize in La Mesa underground pipe locating. Our team uses the latest line finding equipment to locate underground utility lines under your property and mark the areas of your property in which it’s safe to dig and excavate.

    Are you about to excavate your building site? Are you removing an existing building or structure? Contact us to speak to our team and learn more about the importance of checking your site for existing electrical lines before you start your project.

    Our utility line location equipment

    We use the highest quality modern equipment to quickly and accurately locate any traceable and detectable electrical lines beneath your property. We have been in business since 2001 and have extensive experience working on sites throughout Southern California.

    Our team uses ground penetrating radar (GPR) technology to survey your site and locate underground utilities and lines. This technology allows us to achieve great accuracy when surveying your site and marking potential excavation hazards.

    In addition to electrical lines and other utilities, our GPR technology can detect an incredible range of potential hazards, including major traceable safety risks such as gas and water pipes. We can even locate detectable underground fiber-optic cables.

    Our underground utility line location service areas

    We’re offer underground utility locating services in northern Orange County and  in all Southern California counties. Our experienced team can travel to your site to carry out efficient electrical line and utility location.

    Our most popular service areas include Orange County, Los Angeles, Ventura, San Bernardino, Riverside, Santa Barbara, Kern and Imperial County. We also provide services in San Diego.

    In business since 2001, we’re trusted by a wide range of construction, engineering and environmental companies in Southern California. No matter where you site is located in Southern California, we can travel to you to provide our services. See more underground utilities locator.

    Contact Us

    Do you need utility line location for your construction or renovation project? If you’re excavating or digging, it’s absolutely essential that you’re aware of electrical lines in the soil beneath your property.

    We can quickly locate and mark utility lines, gas mains and other utilities that are installed in your property. Contact us now to talk to a member of our team and learn more about our San Diego County Utility Line Locating Service.